
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jam2 caa4
Character Meaning:
to drink
tea; tisane
Part of Speech: verb
  • to drink tea
    (Cant.) jam2caa4ho2ji5bong1zo6siu1faa3
    (Eng.) Drinking tea can help digestion.

  • to go yumcha; to have dim sum at a teahouse, usually referring to a meal at the time of breakfast or lunch only
    (Cant.) aa3gung1ziu1ziu1dou1wui5heoi3zau2lau4jam2caa4
    (Eng.) Grandpa goes to a teahouse to eat dim sum every morning.

See also: 下午茶 中午飯 唐餐 打邊爐 早茶 茶仔 見食 開茶 食晏 食飯 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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