
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faan6
Part of Speech: noun
  • cooked rice (measure word: 碗 / 殼 / 啖 / 粒 / 嚿)
    (Cant.) 潷飯bat1 faan6
    (Eng.) use a scoop to take out the rice into the bowl
    (Cant.) keoi5caan1caan1dou1sik6loeng5wun2faan6
    (Eng.) He eats two bowls of rice every meal.

  • meal (measure word: 餐)
    (Cant.) 食飯sik6 faan6
    (Eng.) to have a proper meal
    (Cant.) m4hou2baai2zau2laa3bat1jyu4sik6caan1faan6syun3laa1
    (Eng.) Don't hold a wedding banquet. Why don't we just have a meal together?

  • stupid; idiot (measure word: 嚿)
    (Cant.) jat1gau6faan6gam2mung2sing6sing6
    (Eng.) Such a lump of rice (=such an idiot)! You have no idea of what's going on.

See also: 餐 膳食 柒吓柒吓 愚蠢 硬膠 柒碌 豬標 壽星女 壽星仔 豬嘜 膳 餐
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