「食過返尋味 / 食過番尋味」

Entry #1
  • 食過返尋味 sik6 gwo3 faan1 cam4 mei6
  • 食過番尋味 sik6 gwo3 faan1 cam4 mei6
Character Meaning:
to eat; to take (medicine); to suffer; to conquer; to control
to pass; to cross; to transfer; to surpass; to pass a place; to exceed; over again; anew; than
to return; to go back
to search for; to look for; seek
taste; smell; to be underwater; to dive; flavour; odour; aroma; perception; impression; style; implication; connotation; feeling; emotion
Part of Speech: expression
to (want to) return for another round, after having an initial good experience, in hopes of getting the same good experience again
(literally 'to return and look for the taste again')
(Cant.) keoi5maai5gu2piu3jeng4zo2di1cin2zi1hau6sik6gwo3faan1cam4mei6dim2zi1gan1zyu6zau6syu1saai3di1cin2laa3
(Eng.) After winning some money in the stock market, he speculated with his money again, hoping to repeat his earlier success, but the market turned against him and he lost all his capital.