
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fei1 ce1
Character Meaning:
to fly; hooligan; hoodlum; to float; to travel by plane; to throw; to toss; to fling; to skip; to remove; to dump someone; ticket
car; wheeled vehicles; vehicle; automobile; driving skill; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit
Part of Speech: verb
to drive at high speed; literally, to fly a car
(Cant.) 飛車黨fei1 ce1 dong2
(Eng.) (illegal) street racers
(Cant.) fei1ce1heoi3gei1coeng4laa1gaa3gei1zau6fei1laa3
(Eng.) Drive to the airport as fast as you can! The plane is departing soon!
See also: 剷車 吉普車 尾車 山地車 碰碰車 遙控車 鏟車 電單車 飆車 黑車 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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