
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fung1 mo1 fung1 mei5
Character Meaning:
wind; view; scenery; event; news; rumors; information; often not official; tropical cyclone
down; have not
Part of Speech: verb
to be popular; to be fashionable
(Cant.) 風靡一時fung1 mo1 jat1 si4
(Eng.) to become (very) fashionable
(Cant.) fung1mo1maan6cin1siu3neoi5
(Eng.) to be extremely popular among thousands of girls (normally of pop stars and celebrities)
See also: 踴躍 暢銷 流行 一炮而紅 大放異彩 大紅大紫 大行其道 嶄露頭角 炙手可熱 膾炙人口 風行 風起雲湧 風雲變幻 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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