
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fung1 tou2 beng6
Character Meaning:
wind; view; scenery; event; news; rumors; information; often not official; tropical cyclone; style; trend
earth; soil; land; ground; territory
illness; disease; to be ill; to be sick
Part of Speech: noun
endemic disease (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) jiu3hai2jat1go3dei6fong1zou6ji1sang1sau2sin1jiu3deoi3go2daat3dei6fong1ge3fung1tou2beng6jau5gei1bun2ge3jing6sik1lai6jyu4hoeng1gong2jan4hou2soeng4gin3ge3caam4dau2zing3hai2jing1gwok3bat1jip6ge3ji1sang1zau6mei6bit1sik1laak3
(Eng.) To be a doctor in a locality, one must first know the endemic diseases there. For example, favism, though rather common in Hong Kong, is not common knowledge among UK graduates.
See also: 上樑不正下樑歪 不治之症 中耳炎 惟恐天下不亂 敗血病 流行性感冒 當耳邊風 病入膏肓 罪魁禍首 花粉症 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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