
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baa3 dou6
Character Meaning:
tyrant; to occupy; to take; to grasp; bully; overlord; despot; ruler
road; place; spot; boundaries; to speak; prefecture in Japan; province in Korea; path; way; method; principle; doctrine; Taoism religion
Part of Speech: adjective
overbearing; high-handed; domineering
(Cant.) nei5m4ho2ji5gam3baa3dou6jiu3ngo5dei6teng1nei5waa6ge3ni1gin6si6tau4piu3kyut3ding6laa1
(Eng.) You can't be so overbearing to make us listen to you, let's vote on this matter!
Synonym: Synonym: 橫行霸道
See also: 咄咄逼人 鳩屎 蠻 臭串 囂屎 專制 高壓 打橫嚟 不可一世 唯我獨尊 專橫 恃強凌弱 橫蠻 狂妄自大 獨斷獨行 目中無人 蠻不講理 蠻橫 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: baa3 dou6
Character Meaning:
tyrant; to occupy; to take; to grasp; bully; overlord; despot; ruler
road; place; spot; boundaries; to speak; prefecture in Japan; province in Korea; path; way; method; principle; doctrine; Taoism religion
Part of Speech: noun
absolute rule by law and force
See also: 不可一世 唯我獨尊 專橫 恃強凌弱 橫蠻 狂妄自大 獨斷獨行 目中無人 蠻不講理 蠻橫 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: baa3 dou6
Character Meaning:
tyrant; to occupy; to take; to grasp; bully; overlord; despot; ruler
road; place; spot; boundaries; to speak; prefecture in Japan; province in Korea; path; way; method; principle; doctrine; Taoism religion
Part of Speech: adjective
Labels: Mandarin
(of alcohol or medicine) (too) strong
(Chi.) ze5zau2zan1baa3dou6siu2hot3wai4miu6
(Cant.) ni1zek3zau2zan1hai6kang5siu2jam2wai4miu6
(Eng.) This wine is so strong. We'd better drink less.
(Chi.) taa1dik1joek6taai3baa3dou6ngo5mun4bat1gam2jung6
(Cant.) keoi5di1joek6taai3maang5ngo5dei6m4gam2jung6
(Eng.) His medicine is too strong that we dare not adopt.
See also: 有力 強烈 強大 不可一世 唯我獨尊 專橫 恃強凌弱 橫蠻 狂妄自大 獨斷獨行 目中無人 蠻不講理 蠻橫 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2018 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License