
Entry #1
Pronunciation: syut3 soeng6 gaa1 soeng1
Character Meaning:
snow; to refrigerate; to remove; to wipe out
go up; top; to go up; to move upwards; to board; to get on a vehicle; to go ahead; to forge ahead; to fill; to supply; to serve a dish; to install; to attend class; to wind; to screw; to tighten; on top of
to add; short for Canada; to include; to put in; to append; to increase
frost; lotion; cream
Part of Speech: expression
to worsen a situation with one disaster after another; to add to the misfortunes of a man who is already unfortunate; calamities come in succession; literally: to add frost on top of snow
(Cant.) zing3fu2soek3gaam2zung3wun4zi2wui5deoi3dai1sau1jap6ge3gaa1ting4syut3soeng6gaa1soeng1
(Eng.) Low-income families will be dealt a further blow if the government cuts down the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance.
Synonym: Synonym: 屋漏兼逢連夜雨
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