
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceoi4 sam1 so2 juk6
Character Meaning:
follow; to follow; to go along with; to comply with; to adapt to
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
that((grammatical word)); place; site
to wish; to want; to hope
Part of Speech: verb
to ignore restraints and act according to one's wishes; literally 'follow the desires of one's heart'
(Cant.) ngo5dou1zi1nei5jau5hou2do1zi6gei2ge3nam2faat3daan6hai6zou6jan4jau5si4dou1jiu3jin6sat6di1m4ho2ji5jat1mei2ceoi4sam1so2juk6
(Eng.) I know you have many unique ideas, but sometimes you just have to be more realistic. You know, you can't always do whatever you want.
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