
Entry #1
Pronunciation: aa3 gung1
Character Meaning:
Ah-; to cater to
public; shared; governmental; (of animals) male; obverse; mother's father; old man
Part of Speech: noun
  • grandfather; mother's father (measure word: 個)

  • shared, public, or from the government; in the form "阿公嘅", it describes certain properties, resources or money as being shared, public, or from the government
    (Cant.) bong1aa3gung1zou6je5
    (Eng.) to serve the public/ the organization
    (Cant.) sik6aa3gung1ge3
    (Eng.) to use the money from the government
    (Cant.) zi1bat1aa3gung1ge3nei5jung6jyun4gei3dak1baai2faan1hou2
    (Eng.) This pen is shared, please remember to put it back after using.

Synonym: Synonym: 公公 外公
See also: 外祖父 爺爺 阿爺 大伯 姑仔 姑爺 老太婆 老姑婆 舅仔 舅公 阿姑 阿炳 阿羅漢 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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