
Entry #1
Pronunciation: coeng4 gong1 hau6 long6 teoi1 cin4 long6
Character Meaning:
to grow; long; length; strong point; merit; specialty
big river
back; after; behind; rear; last; afterwards; later; post-
wave; swell; crotch of pants
push; reject; to push; to shove; to push forward; to promote; to advance; to push away; to shirk; to shift; to put off; to postpone; to tailgate
front; ago; before; earlier; used as a suffix; ex-; forward; preceding; pioneering; open; trending
wave; swell; crotch of pants
Part of Speech: expression
each new generation excels the previous; literally: the rear waves of the Yangtze River drive on those before
(Cant.) coeng4gong1hau6long6teoi1cin4long6jat1doi6san1jan4sing3gau6jan4
(Eng.) The younger generations excel the older, for the times they are a-changing.
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