
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gin6 pun2
Character Meaning:
key; to press the key; to enter
plate; tray; dish; real estate; birth chart; a surname; rounds
Part of Speech: noun
  • keyboard (of a typewriter, telegraph, computer, etc.) (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) ngo5din6nou5go3gin6pun2waai6zo2ji4gaa1daa2m4dou2zi6
    (Eng.) The keyboard of my computer is out of order, and I can't type anymore.

  • keyboard (of a musical instrument) (measure word: 個)

See also: keyboard 光碟機 手寫板 打字機 打樁機 洗衫板 滑鼠 煲機 硬碟機 磁碟機 跳舞機 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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