
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zeoi3
Part of Speech: adjective
to be drunk; to be intoxicated
(Cant.) 飲醉jam2 zeoi3
(Eng.) to get drunk
(Cant.) 醉意zeoi3 ji3
(Eng.) feeling of getting drunk
(Cant.) nei5zeoi3laa3
(Eng.) You're drunk.
(Cant.) zeoi3zau2gaa3sai2hou2ngai4him2gaa3
(Eng.) Drunk driving is very dangerous.
(Cant.) keoi5jam2dou3zeoi3zeoi3dei2gam2tiu3mou5
(Eng.) He gets quite drunk and dances.
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: zeoi3
Part of Speech: morpheme
to be crazy about; to be infatuated with; to be addicted to; to indulge in
(Cant.) 醉心zeoi3 sam1
(Eng.) to be immersed in; to indulge in
(Cant.) 醉人zeoi3 jan4
(Eng.) enthralling
(Cant.) 陶醉tou4 zeoi3
(Eng.) to revel in; to indulge in
(Cant.) 沉醉cam4 zeoi3
(Eng.) to be infatuated with
(Cant.) 紙醉金迷zi2 zeoi3 gam1 mai4
(Eng.) to indulge in a life of luxury and dissipation; literally: intoxicated by paper and mesmerized by gold
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