
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zau2 bou2
Character Meaning:
alcohol; alcoholic beverage
to protect; to defend; to guard; to maintain; to keep status quo; to guarantee; to keep; to preserve; to bail out
Part of Speech: noun
bar attendant; bartender (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) seoi1jin4keoi5hai2zau2baa1dou6zou6zau2bou2daan6hai6keoi5m4sik1jam2zau2gaa3
(Eng.) Although he works as a bar attendant in a bar, his alcohol tolerance is quite low.
See also: bar king 一飲而盡 二話不説 劈酒 氈酒 汽酒 碘酒 紹興酒 酒肉朋友 酒色財氣 酩酊大醉 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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