
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ce4 gwat1
Character Meaning:
evil; villainous; iniquitous; weird; strange; cult; to cause bad luck
quarter; one fourth; bone; the pleat
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: The Vices
massage parlour that provides prostitution; literally, "evil bone" (measure word: 間)
(Cant.) dap6ce4gwat1
(Eng.) to have an "evil-bone" massage
(Cant.) nei5soeng2sung1jat1sung1ze1heoi3bong1can3ce4gwat1baa2lan2me1
(Eng.) Why the fuck did you go to an evil-bone parlour if you just wanted to relax?
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 正骨
See also: 削骨 徹骨 恥骨 正骨 皮包骨 賤骨頭 起骨 雞鳴狗盜 香骨 骨痺 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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