
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyun5
Part of Speech: adjective
  • far; far away
    (Cant.) ni1dou6heoi3saa1tin4dou1hou2jyun5wo3
    (Eng.) It is quite far to go to Shatin from here.
    (Cant.) seoi1jin4keoi5dei6loeng5go3seng4jat6jing4jing2bat1lei4daan6hai6keoi5dei6loeng5go3dou1zi1dou3daai6gaa1ge3nam2faat3hoi1ci2jyut6haang4jyut6jyun5
    (Eng.) Although the two were seldom seen apart before, they mutually realised that they are drifting apart slowly.

  • for a long time
    (Cant.) go2fan6bou3gou3gam3jyun5zung6jau5seng4go3sing1kei4sin1gaau1gaau2dim6zo2ni1fan6sin1laa1
    (Eng.) That report's far off—we still have nearly a week to deliver it. Why don't we focus on this one first?

Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
See also: 遙遠 山長水遠
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