
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gwo3 tau4 gwo2 tau4
Character Meaning:
to pass; to cross; to transfer; to surpass; to pass a place; to exceed; over again; anew; than
head; chief; boss; electric plug; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side; front; beginning
Part of Speech: affix
(added after an adjective) very; too; overdone; gone beyond the limit
(Cant.) nei5gon1zeng6gwo3tau4
(Eng.) You are too clean.
(Cant.) ngo5sik6dak1baau2gwo2tau4ji4gaa1go3wai6m4hai6gam3syu1fuk6
(Eng.) I am too full and my stomach is not feeling well.
Synonym: Synonym: 得滯
See also: 非常 好q 鬼咁 真是 亦 也 亦都 過於 口直心快 左右開弓 得意忘形 手忙腳亂 掉轉頭 老眼昏花 過底 過籠 過龍 頭暈眼花 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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