
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gwo3 laang5 ho2 gwo3 laang5 ho4
Character Meaning:
to pass; to cross; to transfer; to surpass; to pass a place; to exceed; over again; anew; than
cold; cool; knitting yarn
river; hor fun; flat rice noodles
Part of Speech: verb
  • to rinse cooked food in cold water; literally: to pass cold river
    (Cant.) zyu2min6ge3si4hau6gwo3jat1gwo3laang5ho2wui5ling6min6zat1gang3gaa1daan6ngaa4gang3gaa1jau5hau2gam2
    (Eng.) When cooking noodles, rinsing them in cold water after boiling will make them more "al dente" and enhance their texture.

  • to go through a lock-up period to prevent somebody from working in certain fields because of the conflict of interests
    (Cant.) hou2do1gou1gun1退teoi3jau1zi1hau6gwo3jyun4laang5ho4zik1hak1tiu3heoi3si1jan4kei5jip6gung1zok3
    (Eng.) After their retirement, many top officials enter employment with private firms straight after their lock-up period.

See also: 君子之交淡如水 得饒人處且饒人 放長線釣大魚 珠胎暗結 生人霸死地 生米煮成熟飯 穿櫃桶底 過底 過橋米線 過河拆橋 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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