
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bik1 zan1
Character Meaning:
to force; crowded; congested; to compel; to squeeze
true; earnest; real; genuine; sincere; honest; wholehearted; really; truly; indeed; clearly; carefully; serious
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: adjective
lifelike; true to life; realistic; to describe something artificial or fake that nonetheless looks genuine, realistic and close to real-life.
(Cant.) ni1fuk1waa2waak6dak1hou2bik1zan1
(Eng.) This portrait looks very realistic.
(Cant.) ni1tou3hei3jap6min6ge3zin3zang1coeng4min2paak3dak1hou2bik1zan1
(Eng.) The war scenes depicted in this movie are really true to life.
See also: 傳神 寫實 真實 現實 切實 似模似樣 出神入化 動魄驚心 怪相 栩栩如生 活靈活現 神乎其技 絲絲入扣 誇張 賞心悦目 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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