
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zou6 sai3
Character Meaning:
make; to build; to create; to invent; to cook up; to fabricate; to train; to cultivate
power; force; influence; situation; circumstance; tendency; trend; potential; anyhow; no matter what; at any rate
Part of Speech: verb
to create or boost an influence or importance of someone or something by promotion or by publicity campaigns: propaganda
(Cant.) zou6sai3daai6wui2
(Eng.) campaign rally
(Cant.) zo6syun2tyun4wai6hau6syun2jan4zou6sai3
(Eng.) The candidate's advance helped to promote him before the election.
See also: 做勢 助興 拉票 推波助瀾 撐場 氣勢如虹 粉墨登場 虛張聲勢 鋪天蓋地 黃袍加身 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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