
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mai4 seon3
Character Meaning:
to get lost; (of people) fan; enthusiast; to be fond of; to be obsessed; to charm; to bewitch; to attract
letter; believe; mail; to believe; to trust; to profess faith in; to believe in; promise
Part of Speech: verb
to be superstitious; to believe in superstitions; to have thoughts based on or belief in superstitions
(Cant.) keoi5gaan1gung1si1ge3lou5baan2hou2mai4seon3dat6dang1ceng2zo2go3fung1seoi2si1fu2bong1go3san1baan6gung1sat1tai2fung1seoi2
(Eng.) The boss of his company is a very superstitious person. They hired a Feng Shui master to advise on the Feng Shui of the new office.
(Cant.) keoi5hou2mai4seon3sing1zo6
(Eng.) He blindly believes in astrology.
See also: 不求甚解 人云亦云 奉若神明 怪力亂神 深信不疑 盲信 自以為是 自作聰明 自我感覺良好 自欺欺人 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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