
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hing1 cung5
Character Meaning:
light; (of weight) light; lightweight; gentle; soft; (system) crash
heavy; still; re-; important; high level; strongly; substantial; severe; layer; to place value upon; to respect; even more; in addition; and; last but not least; again; once more
Part of Speech: noun
degree of seriousness; appropriateness; propriety
(Cant.) bat1fan1hing1cung5
(Eng.) to have no appreciation of a matter's importance
(Cant.) kyun4hang4hing1cung5
(Eng.) to weigh the relative importance
See also: 酌量 恰當 適宜 適當 一般而言 一視同仁 優劣 厚此薄彼 可大可小 因人而異 在所難免 對錯 涇渭分明 黑白不分 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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