
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hing1 ji4 ji6 geoi2
Character Meaning:
light; (of weight) light; lightweight; gentle; soft; (system) crash
and; as well as; moreover; but
easy; to exchange; change; easy (to do)
raise; to lift; to raise; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to promote; to start; to hold; to organise
Part of Speech: expression
very easy to do; a piece of cake
(Cant.) sung3nei5heoi3gei1coeng4ze1hing1ji4ji6geoi2laa1
(Eng.) Sending you to the airport is just a piece of cake.
Synonym: Synonym: 不費吹灰之力 易如反掌 易過食生菜 話咁易 話都冇咁易
See also: 易過食生菜 舉手之勞
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