
Entry #1
Pronunciation: san1 tai2
Character Meaning:
body; count; life; oneself; point of view
body; physical structure; format; layout; template; state of substance
Part of Speech: noun
  • (of humans or animals) body (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) maat3gon1san1tai2
    (Eng.) to dry one's body
    (Cant.) gei3dak1mui5nin4dou1jiu3gim2caa4san1tai2aa3
    (Eng.) Remember to do a medical check-up every year.

  • health
    (Cant.) san1tai2hou2
    (Eng.) to have good health
    (Cant.) ngo5gan6paai2san1tai2hou2zo2hou2do1
    (Eng.) My health has significantly improved recently.

See also: 體 物體 形 身子 體格 四肢 肉體 肢體 腺體 身心 身軀 軀體 錐體 靈體 體液 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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