
Entry #1
Pronunciation: san1 zoi6 fuk1 zung1 bat1 zi1 fuk1
Character Meaning:
body; count; life; oneself; point of view
to be present; to exist; at; to depend on; to rest with
happiness; blessing; good fortune; luck
centre; hit; middle; medium; intermediate; origin; focus; within; in the process of; in progress; post-verbal suffix; China; Chinese; secondary school
no; negator; not
to know; knowledge; to realise; to understand; to inform
happiness; blessing; good fortune; luck
Part of Speech: expression
to fail to appreciate one's happiness when one is growing up in happiness
(Cant.) hou2do1jan4dou1san1zoi6fuk1zung1bat1zi1fuk1kei4sat6hai2mou5zin3zang1ge3dei6fong1sing4zoeng2ji5ging1hou2hang6wan6
(Eng.) Many people don't appreciate the happiness that they have in their life. In fact, growing up in a place without wars is already very fortunate.
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