
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tek3 jap6 wui2
Character Meaning:
kick; to kick
to enter; to go into; to be admitted into; to join; to participate; to buy; to stock up on; to conform to; to agree with
to meet; meeting; will; can; big city; to understand; club; society; organisation; conference; to catch up; a very short while; be going to, will; going to; modal verb 'will'
Part of Speech: verb
originally, to recruit (literally "kick") someone into a triad society; now used in a broader sense to cover normal organisations as well
(Cant.) ngo5sap6ng5seoi3zau6bei2jan4tek3zo2jap6wui2
(Eng.) I was recruited into a triad when I was fifteen.
(Cant.) gam1nin2hok6wui2m4gau3jan4aa3faai3di1tek3do1di1pang4jau5jap6wui2laa1
(Eng.) This year we don't have enough members in our student society. Quickly ask more friends to join!
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