
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tiu3 cou4
Character Meaning:
to jump; to leap; to bounce; to tick; to beat; to pulsate
trough; groove
Part of Speech: verb
to switch jobs; to quit one's job and take another job, usually within the same industry
(Cant.) jyu4gwo2wan2dou2hou2gung1gang2hai6tiu3cou4laa1
(Eng.) If I can find a good job elsewhere, why wouldn't I quit the current one and go for the new one?
(Cant.) 魚唔過塘唔肥jyu2 m4 gwo3 tong4 m4 fei4tiu3jat1tiu3cou4jan4gung1gaa1gei2sing4gaa3
(Eng.) Changing jobs once in a while promotes career advancement—and that comes with a hefty pay rise, too.
Synonym: Synonym: 過檔
See also: 力爭上游 去職 另謀高就 奉子成婚 平步青雲 毛遂自薦 求才若渴 離巢 飛黃騰達 騎牛揾馬 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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