
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ciu1 zi1
Character Meaning:
super; to surpass
(measure); to support; to sustain; to control; to dominate; (of money) to pay; to withdraw; branch; offshoot
Part of Speech: verb
to overspend; to overrun a budget
(Cant.) gei1gin3gung1cing4daai6fuk1ciu1zi1ji5ging1hai6gaa1soeng4便bin6faan6
(Eng.) Significant cost overruns on major infrastructure have become a common occurrence.
(Cant.) maai5gam3do1ming4paai4bei2keoi5jat1go3jyut6zaan6sei3maan6man1dou1wui5ciu1zi1laa1
(Eng.) Buying loads of products of famous brands, she would still overspend even if she earned $40000 a month.
See also: 透支 偷工減料 入不敷支 包底 大白象 天文數字 拖數 無底深潭 爛帳 爛賬 資不抵債 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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