
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zau2 naan6
Character Meaning:
to leave; to walk; to run; to move quickly; to pass away; to decease; to go to and fro; to transport; to transact
difficult; disaster; hard; catastrophe; calamity; suffering; generally, trouble
Part of Speech: verb
to escape from war or disaster; to seek asylum; to run for one's life
(Cant.) ji6ci3daai6zin3wai6zo2tou4bei6jat6gwan1ngo5fu6mou5zau6zau2naan6lai4zo2hoeng1gong2laak3
(Eng.) During the Second World War, in order to flee from the Japanese army, my parents escaped from war and came to Hong Kong.
See also: 庇護 政治庇護 人生路不熟 國破家亡 天災人禍 無依無靠 走地 走投無路 走頭 逃難 離鄉別井 顛沛流離 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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