「賺錢買花戴 / 揾錢買花戴」

Entry #1
  • 賺錢買花戴 zaan6 cin2 maai5 faa1 daai3
  • 揾錢買花戴 wan2 cin2 maai5 faa1 daai3
Character Meaning:
to earn
money; cash; banknotes and coins
to buy; to purchase; to hire; (of prices) to cost; to bet; to place a bet; to gamble (money)
flower; to spend; blossom; to use up; coloured; multicoloured; disorderly; messy; scratched; dirty
put on((hat,scarf,glasses)); to wear; to put on
Variants: Variants: 錢買花戴
Part of Speech: expression
Labels: Slang
does not need one's salary for living expenses, one's salary is for luxuries and unnecessities (usually of women); literally, to earn money for buying flowers to wear
(Cant.) keoi5faan1gung1dou1hai6zaan6cin2maai5faa1daai3gaa3ze1keoi5bin1gan2zoeng1fan6gung1
(Eng.) She works for luxuries, not out of necessity. I wouldn't expect her to take her job seriously.
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