
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tip1 si2
Character Meaning:
to paste; to stick; to glue; to keep close to; to subsidize

Part of Speech: noun
  • tips; a sum of money as reward for good service
    (Cant.) ni1dou6m4hai6mei5gwok3m4jat1ding6jiu3bei2tip1si2
    (Eng.) This isn't the States, you don't really have to pay tips.

  • a tip or a hint from an insider
    (Cant.) 山埃貼士saan1 aai1 tip1 si2
    (Eng.) misleading tips
    (Cant.) ngo5sau1dou2tip1si2waa6ni1zek3gu2sing1ngaang6
    (Eng.) I was tipped that this share is bound to rise.

  • hint (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) lou5si1bei2zo2tip1si2ngo5dei6waa6caak1jim6wui5ceot1bin1gei2tai4
    (Eng.) Our teacher gave us a tip and told us which questions would show up on the test.

See also: 心水 暗示 示意 hints 倒 打賞 尖端 交朋結友 分類廣告 小道消息 有備無患 毛遂自薦 温馨提示 金石良言 隨緣樂助 順手牽羊 題外話 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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