
Entry #1
Pronunciation: taam1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to be greedy; to covet; to wish improperly without bounds
    (Cant.) 貪錢taam1 cin2
    (Eng.) greedy for money
    (Cant.) 貪心taam1 sam1
    (Eng.) greedy

  • to make a choice because; this is often used to explain why a decision is or is not made
    (Cant.) ngo5taam1keoi5gau3kan5zaa3kei4sat6ni1gaan1zau2lau4m4hai6dak6bit6hou2sik6
    (Eng.) I chose this place only because it's close by. This restaurant isn't particularly good.

  • to take bribe
    (Cant.) geoi3gong2keoi5taam1zo2seng4luk6cin1maan6
    (Eng.) According to some sources, he took a bribe of sixty million dollars.

See also: 貪圖
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