
Entry #1
Pronunciation: duk6 syu1 wui2
Character Meaning:
to read; to read out; to study; to learn; to attend school
book; letter; document; writing
to meet; meeting; will; can; big city; to understand; club; society; organisation; conference; to catch up; a very short while; be going to, will; going to; modal verb 'will'
Part of Speech: noun
  • discussion gathering of a study group or a book club (measure word: 場 / 次)
    (Cant.) ngo5dei6mui5go3jyut6dou1wui5geoi2hang4duk6syu1wui2mui5ci3zyu2tai4dou1wui5hai2jyut6tau4gung1bou3
    (Eng.) We hold book discussion sessions every month and announce the topic at the beginning of every month.

  • study group; book club (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) nei5dei6sing4laap6duk6syu1wui2hai6jau5me1muk6dik1gaa3
    (Eng.) What aims do you have when starting your book club?

See also: 中學生 博覽群書 單刀赴會 大食會 志同道合 早餐會 暑期班 課外活動 讀死書 賣物會 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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