
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wu6 hong4
Character Meaning:
to protect; to guard; to shield

Part of Speech: verb
  • to convoy (a warship or armed troops to accompany for protection)
    (Cant.) paai3ceot1zin3dau3gei1wu6hong4
    (Eng.) to send jet fighters to accompany

  • metaphorically, to say good things about someone's actions
    (Cant.) bong1zing3caak3wu6hong4
    (Eng.) to say good things about the policy
    (Cant.) hou2do1jan2hai2haa6min6lau4jin4wu6hong4
    (Eng.) Many have left messages down there to show support.

See also: 車隊 助紂為虐 口誅筆伐 塗脂抹粉 抱不平 推波助瀾 無所不用其極 背書 袒護 護駕 轉移視線 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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