
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ze6 piu3
Character Meaning:
thank; to wither; tired; worn out; to thank; to apologize; to decline politely
ticket; cheque
Part of Speech: verb
  • vote-thanksgiving
    (Cant.) ni1ming4sei3sap6seoi3zo2jau2ge3hau6jam6ji5jyun4cam4jat6can1san1lok6keoi1ze6piu3
    (Eng.) This around forty-year-old LegCo member-elect visited the district and thanked people for voting him.

  • (of main film crew members) to thank the audience at the screening
    (Cant.) ze6piu3coeng4
    (Eng.) screening with tribute to the audience

See also: 做票 入票 唱票 坐定粒六 拉票 糧票 補票 觀選 跳票 開票 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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