
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tiu4 gaai2
Character Meaning:
調 tone; swap; adjust; to adjust; to change position; to swap; to exchange
to untie; to separate; to dismisse; to disintegration; to release; to remove; to understand; to be informed; to explain; answer
Part of Speech: verb
to mediate; to make peace with
(Cant.) 調解員tiu4 gaai2 jyun4
(Eng.) mediator
(Cant.) 調tiu4gaai2gok3fong1
(Eng.) all the parties involved in mediation
(Cant.) 調tiu4gaai2lou4zi1gau2fan1
(Eng.) to mediate a trade dispute
See also: 斡旋 排解 勸解 中間人 分工合作 勸解 取長補短 和解 因勢利導 對簿公堂 庭外和解 據理力爭 調停 開心見誠 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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