
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jing6 tau4 jing6 tau2
Character Meaning:
to know; to recognise; to identify; to admit
head; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side; leader; chief; boss
Part of Speech: verb
  • to sign up for purchase, to claim ownership
    (Cant.) duk6laap6uk1jat1zik6dou1bei2gaau3siu2jau5so2ji5mui5ci3jat1jau5san1pun2teoi1ceot1hou2faai3zau6jau5jan4jing6tau4
    (Eng.) Stand alone houses are rare (in Hong Kong). So, whenever a developer offers these for sale, they are sold out quickly.

  • to claim one's responsibility; to accept responsibility
    (Cant.) ni1ci3hung2bou3zaap6gik1mou5zou2zik1jing6tau4
    (Eng.) No terrorists claimed their responsibility on this assault.
    (Cant.) gam1ci3ni1go3hong6muk6ngo5jing6zo2tau2
    (Eng.) I have accepted responsibility for this project.

See also: 一人做事一人當 一口咬定 一哄而散 事頭 作賊心虛 冤大頭 見風駛舵 認低威 認帳 認投 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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