
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jing6
Part of Speech: verb
  • to recognise; to identify
    (Cant.) mou5gin3gei2nin4caai1di1jing6m4dou2nei5
    (Eng.) I haven't seen you for a few years and I can barely recognise you now!

  • to admit; to accept something as fact
    (Cant.) 認錯jing6 co3
    (Eng.) to admit a fault
    (Cant.) ngo5jing6ngo5mou5tin1fan6
    (Eng.) I admit that I don't have talent.

  • to make exaggerated or untrue self-serving claims
    (Cant.) jing6lek1
    (Eng.) to boast of one's own skills
    (Cant.) 認親認戚jing6 can1 jing6 cik1
    (Eng.) to claim to be acquainted with
    (Cant.) 認屎認屁jing6 si2 jing6 pei3
    (Eng.) to be boastful and arrogant

See also: 認同 辨認 辨識 認可 識別 認出 取錄 承認 接收 錄取
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