「話事偈 / 話是偈」

Entry #1
  • 話事偈 waa6 si6 gai2
  • 話是偈 waa6 si6 gai2
  • 話事計 waa6 si6 gai2
  • 話是計 waa6 si6 gai2
Character Meaning:
to say; to talk; to tell; to scold mildly; to blame; to opine; to think; to consider; to feel that; speech
matter; to be engaged in; to serve; affair; thing; business; event; trouble; accident; incident; problem
Buddhist verse; conversation; body; health
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Obsolete
as somebody says; used when citing what somebody has said as worth taking account of
(Cant.) hou2ci5waa6si6gai2
(Eng.) in the words of ...
(Cant.) hok6dang6siu2ping4waa6si6gai2haak1maau1baak6maau1zuk1dou2lou5syu2ge3zau6hai6hou2maau1
(Eng.) In the words of Deng Xiaoping: "It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice."
(Cant.) zing3jyu4ngo5baak3je1waa6si6gai2ngau4m4jam2seoi2m4gam6dak1ngau4tau4dai1
(Eng.) As the saying my father quotes goes, if someone is unwilling to do something, it is not possible to force them.
Synonym: Synonym: 話事齋 話頭 話齋
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