
Entry #1
Pronunciation: heoi2 sing3 bat1 heoi2 baai6
Character Meaning:
to agree; to allow; to promise; to approve; to praise; to expect; maybe; perhaps; probably; this (way); what
win; to bear; can afford; can bear; all; to win; to surpass
no; negator; not
to agree; to allow; to promise; to approve; to praise; to expect; maybe; perhaps; probably; this (way); what
to defeat; to be defeated; to lose; to fail; to corrupt
Part of Speech: expression
no defeat is allowed; must not fail
(Cant.) ngo5dei6gam3naan4dak1sin1ho2ji5gwo3ng5gwaan1zaam2luk6zoeng3kyut3coi3heoi2sing3bat1heoi2baai6
(Eng.) It's been tough for us to get over the challenges all along. We must win in the final!
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