
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaai2 fong3
Character Meaning:
to untie; to separate; to dismisse; to disintegration; to release; to remove; to understand; to be informed; to explain
to put; to release; bold; unbridled; free; uninhibited; to place; to let go; to have; to go through; to walk one's pet; to graze; to emit; to expose; to sell
Part of Speech: verb
  • to liberate; to emancipate; to free something
    (Cant.) gaai2fong3hak1nou4
    (Eng.) to emancipate the black slaves
    (Cant.) soeng5zo2seng4jat6tong4ji4gaa1zung1jyu1fong3hok6ngo5gaai2fong3laa3
    (Eng.) It's finally over after a whole day of lessons. I'm free!

  • specifically refers to the overthrow of Kuomintang administration by the Chinese Communist Party
    (Cant.) gaai2fong3cin4
    (Eng.) before the "liberation"
    (Cant.) 解放軍gaai2 fong3 gwan1
    (Eng.) the People's Liberation Army of China

See also: 共產主義 十月革命 反客為主 和平共處 大破大立 女性主義 從容就義 無產階級 當家作主 自由落體 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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