
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gin3 hung4
Character Meaning:
to meet; to see; to experience; to feel; to consider; to regard
red; popular; favoured; blood as food
Part of Speech: verb
  • to see blood; to bleed
    (Cant.) keoi5daa2lou5po4daa2dou3keoi5gin3hung4
    (Eng.) He hit his wife until she bled.

  • bloody show
    (Cant.) sap6ng5hou6cong4穿cyun1zo2seoi2jau5gin3hung4mei6jau5gung1suk1
    (Eng.) The patient on bed 15 broke water, and has bloody show, but there are no contractions yet.

See also: 流血 掛彩 甩色 失血 上吐下瀉 猩紅 白裏透紅 眼紅紅 竄紅 花無百日紅 落紅 見光死 見獵心喜 見錢眼開 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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