
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sai1 ji1
Character Meaning:
西 west; to spin
doctor; to cure; to treat; to repair
Part of Speech: noun
  • Western medicine (often in contrast to Chinese or other traditional medicine)
    (Cant.) 西sai1ji1m4gok3dak1tai2tit3daa2jau5jung6
    (Eng.) The Western medicine does not believe in bone-setting.

  • doctor practicing Western medicine (measure word: 位 / 個 / 名)
    (Cant.) tai2西sai1ji1m4dak1mai5tai2zung1ji1lo1
    (Eng.) See a Chinese medicine doctor if the western one fails to cure (someone).

See also: 中醫 仁心仁術 婦產科 庸醫 消炎藥 神醫 耳鼻喉科 脊醫 藥理 諱疾忌醫 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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