
Entry #1
Pronunciation: seoi1 jan4
Character Meaning:
bad; weak; weakening; to fail; to screw up; mean; being a jerk; rotten; terrible; poor; failed; down on luck
human; human being; person; people; personality; everybody; (some) people; others; somebody; body of a person
Part of Speech: noun
bad person; evil person (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) go2go3jan2seoi1jan4lai4gaa3daai6go3m4hou2hou2ci5keoi5gam2aa3
(Eng.) That person is a bad person; don't be like him when you grow up.
(Cant.) keoi5hei1mong6koeng4gaan1keoi5go2go3seoi1jan4ho2ji5bei6sing4zi1jyu1faat3
(Eng.) She hopes the bad guy who raped her can be punished by law.
See also: 人面獸心 大忙人 枕邊人 正人君子 臭男人 衰佬 衰女 衰婆 賤人 醜人 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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