
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haang4 sing1 hang4 sing1
Character Meaning:
to walk; profession; behaviour; okay; a line; a row; trip; performance; action; industry; perfunctory; "hong"; a shop; a firm; to browse; to move; to adopt; to take; dry
star; fragments; celebrity; asterisk; the symbol "*"
Part of Speech: noun
planet (measure word: 粒 / 個)
(Cant.) taai3joeng4hai6jau5baat3daai6haang4sing1
(Eng.) There are eight planets in the solar system.
See also: 冥王星 土星 天王星 天體 太陽系 恆星 恒星 星體 木星 海王星 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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