
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haa1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to bully; to push someone around
    (Cant.) daai6haa1sai3
    (Eng.) to use one's strength to bully the weak
    (Cant.) 蝦蝦霸霸haa1 haa1 baa3 baa3
    (Eng.) to go around bullying others
    (Cant.) nei5m4hou2haa1ngo5mou5duk6gwo3daai6hok6aa3
    (Eng.) You don't push me around because I haven't studied at university!

  • to be unsuitable for everyone; to be difficult for some people
    (Cant.) ni1go3faat3jing4hou2haa1jan4gaa3m4hai6go3go3jan4dou1hou2tai2gaa3
    (Eng.) This hairstyle is not for all, it doesn't look good on everyone.
    (Cant.) ni1bun2syu1jung6di1zi6hou2sam1hou2haa1jan4tai2
    (Eng.) They use a lot of difficult words in this book, making it difficult to read for some people.

Synonym: Synonym: 欺負
See also: 欺負 霸凌 恃強欺弱 欺 恃強凌弱
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: haa1
Part of Speech: noun
shrimp; prawn (measure word: 隻)
See also: 蝦子 蝦公
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License