
Entry #1
Pronunciation: se4 tau4
Character Meaning:
snake; to shirk one's duty; serpent; shingles
head; leader; chief; boss; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side
Part of Speech: noun
  • head of a snake (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) go3se4tau4zaam2zo2lok6lai4zung6sik1ngaau5jan4hou2dak1jan4geng1
    (Eng.) It was so terrifying that the snake head could bite after decapitation.

  • gangs that assist and arrange illegal migration, smuggling people to other countries (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) se4tau4on1paai4ni1pai1jan4se4nei1hai2syun4cong1dai2bou6fan1fu3keoi5dei6mou4leon6teng1dou2me1seng1dou1m4hou2lyun6juk1
    (Eng.) The snakehead had the illegal immigrants stay in the bottom of the cabin, telling them not to move even if they heard any sounds.

See also: 事頭 偷渡客 冤大頭 出海口 埠頭 屈蛇 派頭 福頭 賤骨頭 順手牽羊 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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