
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ngai6 gou1 jan4 daam2 daai6
Character Meaning:
art; skill; craftsmanship
tall; height; elevated; high in magnitude; (of age) old
human; human being; person; people; personality; everybody; (some) people; others; somebody; body of a person
gall bladder; guts; courage; bravery; vaccum tube; thermionic valve; banker
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; number two; university; large; old in age; older; senior
Part of Speech: expression
masters act with boldness; literally: a masterful man has a big gall bladder
(Cant.) ni1go3paan1sek6gou1sau2m4jung6jam6ho4on1cyun4daai2zau6tou4sau2paa4soeng5zo6gou1lau4daai6haa6zan1hai6ngai6gou1jan4daam2daai6
(Eng.) This masterful climber scaled the side of that tower with nothing but his limbs, boldness really stems from superb skill.
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