
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lok6 ce1
Character Meaning:
to fall; to drop; to go down; to put in; to add; to get an abortion; to abort
car; wheeled vehicles; vehicle; automobile; driving skill; to give a ride; to hit; to crash; to bullshit
Part of Speech: verb
to get off a vehicle
(Cant.) lok6ce1tai4si6
(Eng.) alighting reminder
(Cant.) ngo5m4gei3dak1zo2lok6ce1ji4gaa1dou1m4zi1dim2joeng2faan1faan1heoi3
(Eng.) I forgot to get off the bus, now I don't know how to get to my destination.
See also: 上車 出車 剷車 坐車 埋站 尾車 搭車 鎖車 開夜車 開車 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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