
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lok6 mong5
Character Meaning:
to fall; to drop; to go down; to put in; to add; to get an abortion; to abort
web; net; net, web; website; internet; network
Part of Speech: verb
(of criminals) to be caught or captured; literally: to fall into the net
(Cant.) go2go3saat3jan4faan2bei2ging2fong1zeoi1cap1zo2cat1nin4zung1jyu1hai2hoi2gwaan1lok6mong5
(Eng.) That murderer has been pursued by the police for seven years and was eventually caught in customs.
See also: 一網成擒 下落不明 人贓並獲 東窗事發 殺人滅口 真相大白 逃之夭夭 逍遙法外 通緝犯 通風報訊 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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